The fifteenth edition of Aquatech Expo was conducted at S.R.M.T Function Hall Kakinada from 16th to 17th December 2017. It is one of the prestigious events of its kind in India and more than 1000 participants from all over India took part in this event. Out of these 1000 visitors, there was an overwhelming participation from the farmers belonging to Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal and Odisha. Other participants include policy makers from fisheries department, ministers in-charge of agriculture and horticulture, aquaculture scientists, university professors, feed manufacturers, hatchery operators, students and general public as well.

The major focus areas of this event were paddle wheel aeration, submerged aeration and diffused aeration. This expo also witnessed meaningful and relevant discussions on monitoring and measurement systems for parameters such as DO, pH, temperature, ammonia and salinity as well.

AirOxi Tube impact on the Aquatech Expo

AirOxi was a very active and vibrant participant at this wonderful Aquatech Expo. There was an overwhelming positive reaction towards the innovative products introduced by the company. One of the major attractions was the newly launched AirOxi aeration tube for hatcheries with 1-inch diameter inside and 1.5-inch diameter outside. Both farmers and aquaculture scientists observed that it was a unique and innovative product. Majority of the participants showed tremendous enthusiasm to know more about this tube for hatcheries and how does it improve the overall efficiency of the fish farming system in a significant way.

If you missed visiting us at the Aquatech Expo 2017
you can still inquiry about our products call: +91 – 7285017087

Several existing users of AirOxi Aquacombo became really eloquent about this product and they were quite eager to convey others what makes Aquacombo one of the most essential instruments for an aquaculture system. The participants also showed great enthusiasm to learn more about the ease of use and effectiveness of this instrument.

The participation from the local press was really impressive and the way they covered the event played a prominent role in making this expo a grand success. The local press covered the most beneficial and noteworthy products available in the event and the AirOxi Floating Diffuser Grid took the top spot among the most innovative products.

The AirOxi pavilion witnessed constant rush of visitors and they were deeply impressed by the dynamic, useful and innovative aeration products displayed.

Airoxi Tube also participated in the 31st Aquaculture Expo held at Surat on the 10th and 11th of January 2018. This exhibition had the industry and academic leaders of the aquaculture industry attending it and participating in the seminars. There were more than 70 exhibitors from various industries like seed, feed, additives, minerals and aeration. The emergence of diffused aeration through aeration tube was evident in the high amount of interest in AirOxi tube live demonstration of its aeration tube, hatchery tube and Floating Diffuser Grid. This is the 3rd expo in Surat in which AirOxi tube has participated. There were also a number of exhibitors displaying blowers used for diffused aeration. The exhibition saw more than 2000 visitors in two days, majority of them being farmers and students of aquaculture and fisheries.