High-Flow Tube

/High-Flow Tube

High Flow Tube For Aeration In Grow Out Ponds, Nurseries, Bio-Floc, RAS And Cage Culture

By |December 17th, 2018|High-Flow Tube|

High flow tube for aeration by AirOxi Tube is a perfect solution to install in a grow out pond. It can be used in extensive range of aquaculture production such as cage culture, grow out ponds, hatcheries and nurseries. With specially designed in 1-inch diameter inner outlet, there is no constraint to airflow. This also permits in [...]

1” High Flow Tube Offering 4 Times Flow Rate Than Regular Aeration Tubes

By |June 23rd, 2018|Aeration Solutions, High-Flow Tube|

A unique aeration tube made from elastomeric compound If made from elastomeric compound, an aeration tube seldom fouls. In comparison to a regular aeration tube, where a slight rupture can facilitate the penetration of biological solids inside the system, an elastomeric compound-based aeration tube ensures a 4 times protection. An aeration tube made from elastomeric [...]

Introduction to The High-Flow Tube

By |February 24th, 2018|High-Flow Tube|

Several fish farmers have started using the high-flow tube launched by AirOxi. This product is designed exclusively for nurseries and hatcheries and it is pretty hard to find a better option available in the market right now. You can use this tube for a wide range of production systems and aquaculture species including raceways, cage [...]

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