Press Release

/Press Release

Calculate Your Material And Cost Requirement For An Aeration System

By |February 20th, 2019|Press Release|

Are you into fish farming or planning for it? If yes, then you might be requiring an estimate about proceeding with fish or shrimp farming. You might be aware of the fact that an aeration system is quite important in this regard. So here we are to help you by provide an estimate about the [...]

AirOxi Tube Participates in Aquatech Expo 2017

By |January 17th, 2018|Press Release, Water Aeration System|

The fifteenth edition of Aquatech Expo was conducted at S.R.M.T Function Hall Kakinada from 16th to 17th December 2017. It is one of the prestigious events of its kind in India and more than 1000 participants from all over India took part in this event. Out of these 1000 visitors, there was an overwhelming participation [...]

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