The shrimp farming is highly lucrative and growing industry. The shrimp farming on a commercial basis has transformed the lives for the better for farmers.  The shrimp farming methods have seen significant improvements in recent times. The shrimp farming growth has progressed better in commercially cultured ponds or tanks. The access to fertile land and good water source has converted those regions into hub of commercial shrimp farming activity. This has contributed to improved and commercially viable methods of shrimp farming to support a better production and optimise the efforts of the farmer, and ensuring a continued supply of shrimp.

The shrimp are traditionally are grown in a pond or tank, with algae. The cultured ponds are being used as it is has become a commercial activity. The importance of proper aeration is to maintain high levels of dissolved oxygen throughout the day.

The growth pattern of Vannamei prawns should be understood to better boost its production. It is found that a high DO levels in the water which can be achieved by an efficient aeration system plus the growth of algae lead to better produce.  Our modern aeration system provides a continuous supply of oxygen needed to improve the yield of Vannamei shrimp. The focus of growing a good yield of shrimp is the aeration process, which is ensured by using a range of AirOxi tube aeration solutions – take a look at them here.  Installation of an Aeration Solution can ensure prawns of good size and quality, as the Oxygen supply along with the algae, is increased.

AirOxi Tube aeration solutions help the shrimp farmers by giving them a lead over those still using the mechanical methods of Vannamei prawn production by reducing operating costs over the long run and ensuring better performance and higher dissolution of oxygen.

If you are a farmer of Vannamei Prawns and of lately you feel that the current aeration setup is not contributing to your produce give us a call: +91 9898072244 or visit:  our team member will schedule a visit and take a look at your setup and suggest an aeration system which will improve production greatly.